
Friday, 16 September 2016

Big Day Out

Big Day Out 

On Thursday we went on our big out to the  Movies, Recreation center and the swimming pool. 


On the big my class we to the movies for the big day out the people  that did there home learning got to have popcorn and they were allowed to  shared it with one friend so I took Ayesha. The movie that we watched was Petes dragon the movie was a little bit sad it almost made me cry but I did not cry . 

Recreation center

The second place we went to was the recreation center we had to play lots of games like basket ball, soccer cricket and bamagton. I had lots of fun. 


The last place we went to is the swimming pool I went in the cold pool and the two warm pool the people that did home learning got to go on the hydroslide before  10 minutes or they could go in the pool.  

Thank you to all of the parents that helped out at the big day out thank you Miss Pather,Miss Leigh and Mrs Clark. 

I did my home learning for a least 7 to 9 week so I got the big day out treat the treat we got to go in the school van and we got popcorn   and an ice cream and we got to go 10 min before the other kid. 

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